The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness - Dave Ramsey

ساخت وبلاگ
Great financial advice
by quintash

To those who are "offended" that Dave Ramsey talks about God and (gasp) Jesus in his book; you should know that as a Christian he Can Not deny that the information he gives it totally biblical-and Christian based. And to reject his book and ideas for only this reason is simply foolish. Our society says "Be tolerant of everything..." and yet by saying that and NOT being tolerant of Christanity is total hypocrosy. Dave Ramsey's total money make over it great financial advice for the Christian Believer or non...just remember to be tolerant...always.

Ramsey to go, yay!
by Matt Storms

So, here you are debating wether or not to buy this audiobook. You've heard this Ramsey guy knows his stuff, but the reviewers complain that he's preaching Jeebus at you. What do you make of it? Let me tell you.

My wife used to drag me, kicking and screaming, to the kitchen table so we could discuss the dreaded F-word... Finances. She couldn't get me to open up and I refused to talk about money. One day she showed me a documentary called Maxed Out that opened my eyes. I realized I was spiralling out of control and was headed to the poor house. There it was. I had fought half the battle and realized I needed to change. But what do I do? Where do I start? I have bad credit. I was young and dumb and had wound up in $20,000 in debt.

That's where Dave Ramsey comes in. Maxed Out had featured Dave for a few minutes and he left an impression on me. He had a plan. It was simple. It made sense. It was easy enough for me to understand, and it was good enough to get me to change my ways. My wife and I had a long, but productive talk about how to get ourselves financially fit and change our family tree.

We bought the Total Money Makeover, and we used the baby steps and the smart money principles that Ramsey teaches and today, we're out of credit card debt, we're about to pay off my car, and we are making smart decisions that will allow us to be prosperous and wealthy.

And as a bonus, we never fight at the kitchen table anymore.

The Bottom Line:
Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover is financial freedom and security in a simple, and easy to understand format.

Drink the cool-aid!
by I did the total money makeover!

I got one thing to say just do it. Feels great to be free of debt!

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