Girl, Stop Apologizing - Rachel Hollis

ساخت وبلاگ

I heard bout Rachel in the “Enter Leadership” podcast. It call my attention what ppl talked in the podcast bout her book “Girl wash your face”. Next thing I know, I was trying to buy the Audiobook while I was driving (not a good idea). Between traffic lights and traffic I end up buying this book (Girl stop apologizing). After a chapter and a half, I was wondering bout the content since I thought I bought GWYF book but the content was not in line w/ this book. When I took a 2nd look at what I’ve purchased, I realized I got the wrong book (lol). “Great” I thought, “I got a chick’s book”. This is the kicker. Im a 46 yr old man from Venezuela lolololol and even I made the mistake of buying the wrong book, I do not discriminate the content of any book as long as I get something out of it. Either knowledge, advice, jokes, life experiences. I don’t care if it comes from a grl, a guy or a talking parrot as long as it feeds my mind. Besides the chick content (eye lashes, make up, artists or pop songs Idea) I found the book very refreshing and en lighting things that I was already aware but from a different point of view. Good job Rachel.
FYI, Im in my car PARKED so I can go ahead I buy the right book (GWYF) lol



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برچسب : نویسنده : استخدام کار applen بازدید : 417 تاريخ : چهارشنبه 11 ارديبهشت 1398 ساعت: 21:51